Chocolate Recipes… Guilt Free

Chocolate Recipes… Guilt Free

If you love chocolate, you will love this!


chocolate cake

Chocolates an amazing thing isn’t it…

It’s the ultimate comfort food, the food we so often resort to when we need to feel better!

The disappointing thing is, whilst we love that smooth texture, the creamy melt in your mouth feeling and of course the hope of triggering the release of endorphins and serotonin (our happy hormones), we know its not good for us. Think of all that sugar, caffeine and processed dairy….so the trade off for that happy moment is on the hips, on our skin and the slump as the sugar rush wears off…

A secret we have known about for a long time at Kind Living Cafe; there is actually a healthy version of chocolate and its super easy to make!

When we ran a Raw Chocolate class in our country town of Maleny offering this healthy alternative and some great recipes, we had over 130 people rush to participate! And any raw chocolate cakes, bliss balls or slices we made were sold out by lunch time.

This gave us a clue….

Well I recently met a woman who took healthy raw chocolate to a whole new level. Her recipes are amazing. I have made lots for friends and family and they are just delicious…….
The good news is they are all based on healthy if you are a sweet tooth, chocoholic or just love the occasional sweetie…
Here’s the best raw chocolate books I have ever found…

Hope you like it too….$29.95

Chocolate Recipe Guilt Free

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